The graves below are mostly on unmarked graves – application for a Commonwealth War Graves plaque was successfully made to the Department of Veterans Affairs. Many of these graves have been fully constructed by AWG with curbing and marble chips. Please note, the graves where a plaque is not shown in the photograph, have CWG approval but are yet to be constructed.

  • Scroll down the names that are listed in alphabetical order then click on the name to activate. The location of the grave will shown on the map.

  • Click on the the black circle with white cross to view the information, photographs and any memorabilia.

  • Distance shown on the table, is the distance from the Sandgate Cemetery Office.


Below is a map showing all sites located by Gary Mitchell where an application to Commonwealth War Graves for full grave construction on an unmarked grave or erection of a monument had been made and was accepted. Note, this is NOT and interactive map.